
Tingling in left hand and arm
Tingling in left hand and arm

tingling in left hand and arm

This list does not constitute medical advice and may not accurately represent what you have. Alcoholism is a specific cause of B vitamin deficiency and neuropathy. Nutritional deficiencies: A lack of B vitamins in the diet causes a form of anemia and neuropathy.Toxins: Ingesting metals through supplements or work exposure, antiretroviral drugs, and chemotherapy are all likely sources of toxins.Pregnancy: Being pregnant results in swelling that may compress the nerves in the wrists, especially when lying down.Metabolic disorders: These disorders, such as thyroid disease and other endocrine diseases, interfere with nerve functioning,Ĭauses of hand tingling that are more unusual include the following.Almost any active autoimmune disorder can cause chronic inflammation. Autoimmune disorders: An autoimmune response to a viral illness will cause hand tingling symptoms after the illness seems to be over.Less common causes of hand tingling include the following. Poor circulation can occur due to lack of exercise, and impaired circulation can be due to tight clothing. Frostbite causes severe constriction of the blood vessels. Dehydration can also affect blood vessels. Hardening or inflammation of the arteries slows and blocks circulation. Vascular (blood vessel) damage: This type of damage involves any condition that affects the radial and ulnar arteries, which supply blood to the hand.Neurologic diseases or a tumor or carcinoma can also result in hand tingling. Stress and anxiety may cause subconscious tensing of muscles to the point of nerve or circulatory damage. Poor posture, especially when sitting in front of a computer screen for long hours, can result in hand tingling. This pinch may be due to injury, repetitive use, or just sleeping in a "wrong" position. A pinched nerve is when the nerve is caught under or between bone, cartilage, tendons, or muscles, and is under pressure. Nerve damage: Compression or entrapment of the nerves affecting the hand, including those in the cervical spine, or neck, can lead to hand tingling.Trauma: Direct trauma such as fractures, dislocations, strains, and sprains can cause this symptom.

tingling in left hand and arm

Hand tingling is most likely to occur due to the following. The following details may help you better understand your symptoms and if and when you need to see a physician. What causes numbness and tingling in the hands?

  • Serious: Tingling in only the left hand can be a warning of a heart attack, especially if the tingling begins suddenly and extends up to the arm and into the jaw.
  • Continued nerve damage can lead to permanent numbness and loss of sensation in the hands.
  • Moderately serious: A more persistent case of hand tingling that begins gradually is a concern.
  • Not serious: A mild case of tingling, especially on waking up in the morning or that resolves quickly, is not serious.
  • The severity of hand tingling depends on the cause.
  • Anyone with damage to the nerves and/or the circulatory system.
  • Desk workers: Or people who sit using a keyboard and mouse for several hours each day.
  • The following people are more likely to experience hand tingling.
  • Unilateral or bilateral: Tingling may occur in one or both hands.
  • tingling in left hand and arm

    A prickly, pins-and-needles sensation in the hand and fingers: This feeling often extends up to the arm to the neck and shoulder.Tingling in the hand, or elsewhere in the body, is sometimes called a "pins-and-needles sensation" or "falling asleep" of the hand. Some causes are quite benign and harmless, but others need treatment. Hand tingling refers to the annoying, almost shock-like sensation that can travel all through the hands and fingers, and, sometimes, up to the neck or jaw.

    Tingling in left hand and arm